Our Curriculum

Global Unites has created a curriculum that is designed to inspire, connect, and equip youth. Our curriculum gives youth the knowledge they need to be agents of sustainable impact. The goal of our curriculum to give youth tools to promote hope, non-violence, and reconciliation in their own communities. Each module covers a different topic with topics ranging from Conflict Transformation to the Environment to Youth Leadership and Character.
Here is the introduction to the first module to give you an idea of what a typical module might look like ~
Here is the introduction to the first module to give you an idea of what a typical module might look like ~
The topic above is a five week module. -------------------------------->
Topic 1. Non-violence and nonviolent communication
The introduction helps set the groundwork for the next few weeks. This example is contextualized to Sri Lanka. Curriculums are contextualized to each country. ------>
Each subtopic is a different week's lesson. They each include content about the subtopic, an activity, a video, group discussion questions, and a social media prompt (so that youth can begin impacting their communities right away). ----------------------------------------------->
Since independence from colonial rule in 1948, Sri Lanka has found itself in violent conflict at regular intervals. 1958, 1976 , 1983 , 1988, 1994, 2005 , 2012 , 2018 have been years marred by bloodshed. Each time the nation seems to show signs of overcoming its bloody past , hate and prejudice raises its ugly head and lures the nation into a renewed cycle of violence. The reason behind the conflict in each instance has varied from ethnic and religious , to political ideology and social class , yet the commonality remains that young people in each era were brainwashed to choosing violence over their countrymen. Hence a culture of violence is created manifesting in the form of domestic violence, harassment of women, road rage and altercations on the streets, and in communal unrest and grievances leading to destroying of property , places of worship and the destruction of lives.
The youth of Sri Lanka need to be equipped with the ability to overcome these tendencies of violent response. They need to be trained to evolve beyond their parents generations and have a stronger resistance to violence and model non-violent responses to overcome their challenges. Youth need to understand that violence has never delivered a positive outcome and nonviolent , intelligent , civilized ways of engagement needs to be their generation’s legacy. If educated on this, they may indeed break the cycles of violence they have inherited from generations before them.
The youth of Sri Lanka need to be equipped with the ability to overcome these tendencies of violent response. They need to be trained to evolve beyond their parents generations and have a stronger resistance to violence and model non-violent responses to overcome their challenges. Youth need to understand that violence has never delivered a positive outcome and nonviolent , intelligent , civilized ways of engagement needs to be their generation’s legacy. If educated on this, they may indeed break the cycles of violence they have inherited from generations before them.
1. Non-Violent engagement : AHIMSA ; What it is? What it is not?
2. Teachings from each major religion that promote non-violent responses
3. Gandhi’s nonviolent movement for independence
4. Methods of nonviolent action
5. What non-violent engagement could have looked during Sri Lanka’s historic conflicts?